Before and After School Care
sunset elementary
4229 W Lake Sammamish Parkway SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Site Phone: (425) 837-5667 Field Trip Cell Phone: (206) 972-7688 BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE HOMEASSISTANT SITE COORDINATOR
It is our goal to provide a positive community atmosphere where children are encouraged to grow socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually in a safe and nurturing environment. While children are playing they are faced with endless opportunities to create friendships, explore their creativity, exercise, solve conflicts, develop confidence and leadership qualities, learn empathy, teamwork, and how to be good sports.
We are pleased that you have chosen Sockeye Club for your children and want to do our very best to provide an environment where your children will feel safe, happy, and valued. As a parent, you are always welcome at Sockeye Club. We also want you to feel comfortable here and connected to what your children experience each day